I am going to try to set an attainable goal each week to help keep myself on track. Feel free to join along and set your own weekly goal. You can even post it in the comment section below, so we can all help one another be accountable!
My goal for this week is to drink more water. Drinking water, while in theory so simple, has been a life long challenge for me. I just never had a craving for water and was drinking lots of juice, diet soda, and other drinks that were not providing me with much other than sugar and chemicals. I have been a little better lately with drinking water and have even gotten a little creative with finding ways to make water taste better. This week I made a pitcher with filter watered, 2 trader joes Organic Ginger/Pear Tea bags, sliced lemons, and a sliced orange. Then I put it in the fridge and all the flavors mix together to form a slightly flavored water. This has been definitely helping my water intake and the best part is, when you use up the water just refill and more flavored water will be made (I only make a “new” flavored water batch from scratch once a week.)
This week I am going to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. I will check in with all of you next week and let you know how it goes. I will also post the new goal for the following week at that time.
What is your goal for this week? Join me and post your goal in the comment section below!